Customer Service Retreat Part II Feedback Request

Please provide your feedback regarding Customer Service Retreat Part II.

Please rate the following:

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree
Customer Service Retreat Part II was well organized.
The activities kept me engaged.
The amount of time allotted was sufficient.
Please rate the following statements:

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree
The Presenter(s) demonstrated enthusiasm about the subject matter.
The Presenter(s) promoted a climate of mutual respect.
The Presenter(s) encouraged Trainee participation and questions.
The Presenter(s) answered my questions thoroughly.
The Presenter(s) provided me with sufficient time to practice the processes and procedures learned in class.
The Presenter(s) was/were well prepared for class.
The Presenter's tools and teaching methods were effective.
Please rate the level of effectiveness for each activity:

Very Effective



Very Uneffective
Card Game
Coloring Activity
Lego Tower
The Web
Traffic Jam
What's My Role
Power of Positive
Sandlot Movie
Flying Geese Story

* Do you feel the card game demonstrated the concept of communication barriers? Why? / Why not?

* Do you feel the coloring activity demonstrated the concept of recognizing the importance of having a variety of talents and skills on a team? Why? / Why not?

* Do you feel the Lego activity demonstrated the concept of healthy competition within a team? Why? / Why not?

* Do you feel the Web activity demonstrated the concept of balancing the workload? Why? / Why not?

* Do you feel the Survivor activity demonstrated the concept of displaying a mutual respect for diverse perspectives? Why? Why not?

* Do you feel the Traffic Jam activity demonstrated the concept of effectively working as a team to reach solutions? Why? / Why not?

* Do you feel the What’s My Role activity demonstrated the concept of the importance of supporting one another on a team? Why? / Why not?

* Do you feel the Power of Positive activity demonstrated the concept of the importance of focusing on the positive qualities of your coworkers? Why? / Why not?

* Tell us about what activties were most helpful in understanding teamwork.

* Please provide any additional feedback: