Customer Service Retreat Part II Feedback Request
Please provide your feedback regarding Customer Service Retreat Part II.
* Do you feel the card game demonstrated the concept of communication barriers? Why? / Why not?
* Do you feel the coloring activity demonstrated the concept of recognizing the importance of having a variety of talents and skills on a team? Why? / Why not?
* Do you feel the Lego activity demonstrated the concept of healthy competition within a team? Why? / Why not?
* Do you feel the Web activity demonstrated the concept of balancing the workload? Why? / Why not?
* Do you feel the Survivor activity demonstrated the concept of displaying a mutual respect for diverse perspectives? Why? Why not?
* Do you feel the Traffic Jam activity demonstrated the concept of effectively working as a team to reach solutions? Why? / Why not?
* Do you feel the What’s My Role activity demonstrated the concept of the importance of supporting one another on a team? Why? / Why not?
* Do you feel the Power of Positive activity demonstrated the concept of the importance of focusing on the positive qualities of your coworkers? Why? / Why not?
* Tell us about what activties were most helpful in understanding teamwork.
* Please provide any additional feedback: