Diabetes/Endo Team Nutrition Impact Survey

To best utilize the nutrition expertise of the Diabetes Dietitian Educators, we'd like to better understand what services you feel would benefit our patients and their families the most.

What resources or services would you like to see made available by the DMRDs?
These resources would serve as a benefit to you as a provider or educator. The DMRDs are dedicating additional efforts to develop resources for patients and families.

Fact Sheets  
Talking point for huddles  
Book/Article Reviews  
Research Updates  

Which topics would you like to see covered?
Please select as many as you feel are appropriate to help you better educate your patients and families.

Ketogenic diet for diabetes  
Low carb diet for diabetes  
Sugar surfing for BG control  
Intepreting a download  
Role of protein, fat, and fiber for BG control  
Role of exercise for BG control  
Role of sleep and stress for BG control  
Motivational Interviewing  
Coaching for behavior change and setting goals  
Social services and community resources  
Teen transition to adult care/living independently with T1DM  
Weight management and T1DM  
Athletes and T1DM  
Disordered Eating/Diabulimia  
Fad Diets or Diet Trends  

How likely are you to use these resources when they are made available?


What is your role in the Endocrine Department?


Please leave any additional comments, questions, or feedback in the space below.