APRN Education pre survey

Match the following codes and events:
Code White
Code Black
Code Yellow
Code Gray
Code Pink

* My personal listing on the Scope is current with an emergency phone and pager number.

True False

* I have taken the Emergency Preparedness Critical Skills survey on the Scope.

True False

The best place(s) to find current emergency preparedness policies is (are):

1. In the red Safety and Disaster manual  
2. On the Scope under Emergency Preparedness  
3. On the Scope under Safety Policies  
4. In the red trifold folder  
5. On the inpatient units in a purple binder  
6. In the Nursing Resource Guide  
7. 2, 3, 5 above  
8. All of the above  

* The APRN role in a Code Pink is to search my work area

True False

* The APRN role in a Code Gray is to go to the basement

True False

* The APRN role in a Code Yellow is to search for a bomb

True False

* Where do I report for a mass casualty if I am on campus?

My work area
The cafeteria
The auditorium
The boardroom

* What do I do in the event of a disaster event if I am off campus

Stay home with my family
Come in to work as scheduled
Call my boss
Wait to be notified

* My department has a disaster recall roster

True False

* CMH&C’s emergency information line number is :

* A Code White only applies to one type of event

True False

* In the context of Emergency Preparedness EOP stands for:

Evacuation Operations Protocol
Elements Of Performance
Emergency Operations Plan
Electrical Outage Policy

* HICS stands for:

Hospital Infection Control Service
Humanitarian Information Centers
Hospital Incident Command Center
Hazardous Inventory Control System