Informations Systems Priorities

Please help us prioritize the order in which problems or poor functionality of our current information systems are fixed.

Please rank order your priority selections. Score your selections 1-10, with one being highest priority. Please do not use a number more than one time. Please look at ALL the choices, before ranking them. There are more than 10 choices to rank.

Can only schedule one person at a time through PTCT.Can’t see openings on the schedule.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Need ability to send to folder or email

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Need ability for docs to order online and message

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Can’t put multiple auths on one acct. No notice of authorization expiration. No notice if orders not received.

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Pump Charges
Daily entries vs automated

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Meds override previous orders if same med is given in multiple formats.

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Depart Form
Will ask Sheila to make sure all the needed information is there

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Cerner Educ
Will ask Kristy to update us with progress. Will check on standardized access.

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Cerner Accts
Accounts in Meditech but not Cerner

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Patient Loc
Need to document multiple locations for patient visit

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Upgrades. Touchscreens

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Patient Note does not flow to 485 but 485 flows to patient note.

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Little/no ability to produce reports from clinical data. Visit summary does not show who documented.

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Multiple forms that need patient/parent signature.

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Reported several day interface delays back into Cerner.

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