Customer Service Retreat

We are constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of the Customer Service Retreat. Please complete the following survey regarding your experience.

1. We'd like to have your opinion on the overall presentation experience.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree Nor Agree


Strongly Agree
The presentation was clear and easy to follow.
Too much information was presented.
I enjoyed the variety of media that was used during the customer service retreat (video, powerpoint, games, etc.).
The learning environment was comfortable.

* 2. Additional comments on the presentation.

3. Please help us evaluate our presenter's skills by answering these questions.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree Nor Agree


Strongly Agree
The presenter(s) encouraged questions and answered them clearly.
The presenter(s) displayed enthusiasm and were knowledgable about the materials.
The presenter(s) followed up with me to address my needs for information.
The presenter(s) provided practical examples to illustrate the point.
The presenter(s) gave clear explanations when a point was not completely understood.

* 4. Additional comments on the presenter(s).

* 5. What suggestions do you have for making the retreat more effective?

* 6. What portion of the retreat did you enjoy most?

* 7. What portion of the retreat did you enjoy the least?

* 8. Is there anything that you would like to see added to a customer service retreat day?

* 9. Please rate your overall Customer Service Retreat experience:

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor