Specialized Scheduling Introductory Basic Review

Basic processes and policies, as well as hospital information.

* What does HIPAA do?

Allows CMH to use patient information in any way Protects patients rights to their medical records

Who works in the Contact Center

Radiology Scheduling  
Triage Admin  
Hospital Operators  
Template Builders  
Nurse Advice Line  
Pediatric Care Center Scheduling  
Quality Assurance  
Centralized Scheduling  

Where are the Children's Mercy Locations

1. Children's Mercy Hospital Hill  
2. Children's Mercy Broadway  
3. Children's Mercy South  
4. Children's Mercy North  
5. Children's Mercy East  
6. Children's Mercy St. Joe  
7. Children's Mercy Joplin  
8. Children's Mercy Blue Valley  
9. Children's Mercy College Boulevard  
10. Children's Mercy West  
11. Children's Mercy Wichita  

* We do not work closely with

Admissions Pre-Registration Health Information Management Transport Financial Counselors Patient Financial Services Intrepreter Services

* What is the difference between Outreach and Outpost clinics?

* Telehealth/Telemedicine is similar to what communication technology?

Facebook Twitter Four Square Skype MySpace

* Where do I find physician information on the Scope. (Ex. practice name, phone number)

* What is the Patient Portal?

* When I am away from my desk on a break I put my phone on...


* What is the Provider Portal?